UHRW Submission to Legacy Consultation

The NIO Legacy Consultation Addressing the Legacy of Northern Ireland’s Past finally closed today. Following detailed analysis of these proposals and widescale consultation with victims of terrorism and other stakeholders, Ulster Human Rights Watch believe that as they stand, these proposals will be detrimental to the interests of innocent victims and will only serve to further the interests of the perpetrators. The system on offer will facilitate the rewriting of history to justify acts of terrorism, and activate a state sanctioned witch-hunt of ex-security force members, particularly ex-police officer. UHRW call for a withdrawal of these proposals, and have set forward what we believe will be a viable alternative that would put the needs of the victims of terrorism first.

UHRW response to NIO legacy consultation

NIO Legacy Consultation Questionnaire – Proposed Responses

Following the conference organised by Ulster Human Rights Watch (UHRW), which took place in Brownlow House on 30th August 2018, several people requested to be provided with summary responses to the NIO questionnaire. In answer to these requests the NIO questionnaire with the proposed responses in italic has been prepared. It should be noted that the proposed responses are to assist those who wish to answer the questionnaire and who remain free to use/amend them as they see fit. For further information please do not hesitate to consult the Legacy Consultation Booklet and the Legacy Consultation Conference Presentation.

The proposed responses to the NIO questionnaire along with our Legacy Consultation Booklet, the Legacy Consultation Guidance Notes and the Legacy Consultation Conference Presentation can be found in the Downloads section.

UHRW Legacy Consultation Conferences at Brownlow House

Two conference sessions have been held today in Brownlow House to present UHRW’s considered position on the NIO Legacy Consultation into the implementation of the Stormont House Agreement bodies. Contributing were Neil Faris of the Malone House Group; Ben Lowry, Deputy Editor of the Newsletter; and Axel Schmidt, Advocacy Service Manager. There were also personal testimonies of victim’s with views provided on the current consultation, and extensive question and answer sessions.

The presentation from this event along with our legacy analysis booklet and guidance notes to support consultation responses can be found in the Downloads section.

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